So, Addison is doing EXTREMELY well in the potty training arena!!!! Yaaaaayyy, I just can't believe how easy it was (my next kid is going to be a nightmare!!!) and how well she is doing. She now goes down for naps with panties on because she never wets the bed during a nap and will wake up and ask to go pee pee, she even will tell me she needs to go pee if she's in the bathtub too. When we go out I also put her in panties and she does great, no accidents! She wakes up from nightime dry probably 4 out of the 7 nights during the week so she's still wearing a pull up at night. Last night around midnight she woke up and had to pee so Wes got her up and she peed and then went right back to bed! I'm so afraid to put her to bed with just panties but maybe that's what she needs. I don't know I don't want to push it and maybe if she consistently wakes up and needs to pee or consistently wakes up dry then I'll go for it but for now she is doing great and life without changing diapers is oh so GRAND!!!!! I put away her changing table and her diaper pail and it is so exciting!!! I also took her big pink chair out of her room and put up a really cute bookshelf that looks like a big dollhouse in it's place. I set her little white rocking chair (the one that was mine when I was her age) right next to it and she is so cute sitting there reading her books. Her room looks all grown up now and not like a nursery at all!!! So sad, but hey I get to do it all over again here pretty soon, fun fun fun!!!! We got all out carpets (the ones damaged from Tropical Storm Fay) mold treated and cleaned so it is like I have brand new carpet!! The spare room that is to become the nursery is all empty (so they could clean it really good) and I can't wait to make it into a nursery!!!! Our house is currently white at the moment. The boys sealed all the windows and all the cracks and have painted a primer/sealer coat on it and now were just waiting to paint it this weekend. I can't wait because it is going to be a different color since I never got to choose the color in the first place. It is going to be Huntington Beige with a cottage red door and cottage red shutters, I am so darn excited. I feel like I'm geting a brand new house. I just can't wait for it to all be done. I will post a picture of Addison's not so nursery anymore bedroom and our white house as soon as I get all my computer stuff together (we moved the desk and all that fun stuff into our bedroom). Ta Ta For Now!!!!
Blush 'n' Butterscotch Jelly Roll Quilt
3 days ago
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