Oh my, my, my, where do I start. At first it was going pretty much ok. A little crying, ok a lot crying at naptime, but not so much at night. Maybe 10-15 minutes at night and then she slept through the entire night without waking up. Also, she never once missed the binky during the day, it was like she never had it EVER!!! I was so proud of her. So the next couple days her naptimes were AWFUL and HEARTBREAKING, she cried and cried and cried and once she FINALLY fell asleep she only slept 45 minutes to an hour, her usual naps are like 3-4 hours! Ok so I guess I will take an hour BUT it takes her about an hour of crying to get to sleep not to mention she PEES in her pants in the meantime. She has NEVER done this. Of course then she cries even harder because she has peed in her panties, so sad!! The nights have not been too bad but they seem to be getting WORSE. It has now been over a week and last night she awoke for the first time in the middle of the night and it took her about an hour and a half to get back to sleep, and she peed again!!!! Oh my gosh! This is HORRIBLE! I don't know what to do. She wants us to read like a hundred books, sing a hundred songs, say her prayers, give a hundred hugs, a sip of milk, a sip of water and she still wants just one more of everything. Wes made the mistake of lying down with her until she fell asleep one night so she ALWAYS begs and pleads and wails for you to "just lay with me pleeeeeeeease"! It is HORRIBLE. Tonight and last night are really the first time she has cried for her "binkies" before she never mentioned them, just cried. Tonight she wailed as we left the room and then of course crawled out of bed and crouched in the space between her bed and nightsand and peed! I really want to give in and let her have it at night and naptime but I feel like if this is only going to last another week we can handle it but I feel like it is getting worse every day!!!! When I go in there and see her crouched beside her bed peeing and crying I just want to cry my eyes out but I think she is just doing it because she knows it gets us back in the room. Anything she can do to get us and keep us in the room is her goal! If this only goes on another couple of days I can live with it but I don't think this will ever end!!! Naptimes are awful because Wes isn't here to help me out so it's just exhausting and unbearable. I keep reading about other peoples experiences online and it seems like almost EVERYONE had these problems for like 2-3 days and it was OVER, what the crap!!!!!!! Addison has just done everything so easy so far in her little life and this is by FAR the hardest thing we have ever gone though and I just don't know what the heck to do. I think I just want someone to tell me it will be alright and will only last another couple of days and I will be fine, so please please someone tell me that!!!!!!
Blush 'n' Butterscotch Jelly Roll Quilt
3 days ago
You just got to keep on going girl. Since you took them away you can't go back. With the peeing thing, it is always 20 steps forward a few steps back. Talan has at least 1 accident a day. She will eventually find a new thing to love on when she goes to bed.
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