My baby boy is 6 months old already! I cant believe it! He is 17 pounds (50%) and almost 28in long (90%). He is doing great, he can sit up on his own and can even go from lying down to a sitting position all by himself too. He is up on all fours just a rockin and a rollin. He scoots from one end of the room to another and we will be crawling by next week! He's not soo much into the solid food yet but were working on it. He loves to scream and giggle when he's excited, and if he's hungry oh man you will know because that's when he all out belts it out and screams his head off! He still is a great sleeper and is still so in love with his big sister! He loves his jumperoo and playing with all of our million and one toys! He absolutely loves books but annoys mommy because his hands are magnetized to each page and you can't turn them! He really loves to go into Addison's room at night when daddy's reading to her and sit in his lap too and listen to the story! He's just growing like a weed and growing up way too FAST!!!!
Blush 'n' Butterscotch Jelly Roll Quilt
3 days ago
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