Well, I've seen so many of these lovely blog sites lately that I thought I should jump on the bandwagon~so here goes!!!! Addison is now 12 weeks old and is just the love of my life. She is the cutest thing ever and I love watching her grow and change every single day. She is smiling and cooing so much now and I cherish every smile and every little coo. She laughed for the first time yesterday and it was so cute. I was blowing raspberries on her belly and she just thought it was the funniest thing in the world!!!! She is finally getting bigger because she is now starting to fit into her 3 month clothes (mostly pj's though-still in her 0-3mo regular clothes)!!! Wes just loves her to death and he is so cute with her. He is already so protective of her-so much so that we can't take her out of the bassinet and put her into the crib because we have to get window break sensors added to the alarm system first!!! She doesn't much care for her crib yet anyways so a couple more weeks won't kill her. So~the only thing that isn't going so well that is driving me absolutely crazy is her feedings. So far I have been breastfeeding her. Around about 6 weeks she went from eating great to acting like it was killing her to eat. I tried everything and even met with lactation consultants. I took her to the pediatrician and she started her on Zantac for acid reflux. It actually helped and she was nursing great again. So about a month passed and she started acting the same horrible way again. Nursing has become a horrible dreadful time for both of us. I hate that she doesn't want to eat. I pump and give her bottles after most feedings now and it just makes me so sad because I wanted so much to nurse her for the first year. I think she feels differently. She eats so well for the first 2-3 minutes and then acts like there is nothing left so she gets really pissed. I have tried everything to increase my supply and nothing seems to work so I think my nursing days are coming to a sad and bitter end. I just feel so guilty for giving up but I feel like she is just not getting enough. I just hate to stop nursing her and I just don't know what to do. But other than that everything else is going good. I've got most of my christmas shopping done (and wrapped-thank you very much) and I think we are going to stay home for christmas instead of going to 20 different places that day. So that means I get to cook my first holiday dinner-I'm so excited!!!! I have to go back to work on January 1st and am totally dreading it but I know I have to. I will only be working twice a week so it won't be that bad. I guess I've written enough so until next time...
Blush 'n' Butterscotch Jelly Roll Quilt
3 days ago
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